The power of many
My Power Plant
The hydropower plant from Ökowind GmbH in St. Pölten is part of the Vpp of Next Kraftwerke

Full service: We integrate your hydropower plant into the virtual power plant using the protocol interface of your plant or our own Next Box interface and trade your electricity on the European power exchanges. You continue to feed in your generated electricity as usual.

Many years of expertise: The electricity you generate is traded by our experienced team of analysts and traders on the EEX and EPEX Spot power exchanges. The data generated from all units of our virtual power plant is essential in this process: live power and delivery data from thousands of power plants form the basis for extremely accurate forecasts. In addition, we continuously update market data from various trading centres, as well as the results of our own weather analyses.

Attractive revenue opportunities: You receive the electricity exchange revenues as well as the proceeds from the sale of your certificates of origin and your green electricity certificates. By collecting and analyzing data, we can trade electricity from renewable energy sources competitively, while continuing to promote the integration of decentralised systems in the market.

You receive the income from the direct sale of your hydroelectric power from two sources: Next Kraftwerke pays you the income from the sale of your electricity on the power exchange. Our real-time data assessment and highly qualified progonoses and analysts enable us to negotiate your electricity very efficiently. In addition, you will receive the proceeds from the sale of your certificates of origin and green electricity certificates from the transmission system operator. No additional fees for you, no trading or market access fees. Another important point: unlike our competitors, we assume the balancing risks ourselves instead of transferring them to you.

Quickly ready to go: We carry out the required test procedure for participation in the control energy market, the prequalification, for you.

Perfectly tailored for you: Together with you, we analyse on which reserve market your hydroelectric plant generates the highest value. Of course, we also consider individual specifications of your plant.

Generate additional revenue: After a successful prequalification, your hydroelectric installation is valued on the reserve electricity market and is rewarded with a capacity fee and, in certain cases, an activation fee.

Future-oriented: By participating in the balancing energy market, you contribute to an integration of renewable energies into the power system, strengthen the security of supply and thus actively support the success of the energy transition.

The tertiary reserve capacity balances the fluctuations of the network after a delay of 15 minutes. The TSO measures the frequency and places commands to call capacities. The network operator Elia buys two different mFRR products: R3 standard and R3 flex. The first can be activated for up to 8 hours per day, while the latter can be activated for maximum 2 hours continuously – between two activations there has to be a pause of at least 12 hours. The grid operator pays a capacity fee for both products, but only the R3 standard entitles the grid operator to an energy fee.
Wasserkraftanlage im Next Pool von Next Kraftwerke.

Feed-in and revenue data: You can see what your hydropower feeds in and how high your revenues turn out.

Fault notification: You can be notified of faults via the app.

Maintenance times: You can conveniently register maintenance and repair times via the portal.

We integrate your hydropower plant into the VPP using a protocol interface like our Next Box. We use a secure mobile data connection to connect your hydroelectric facility to the virtual power plant. Our mobile data link infrastructure is widely tested and certified by European TSOs and authorities. The data connection is established using an encrypted virtual private network (VPN), via IEC 60870-5-104 or Modbus TCP protocols. The connection of your unit's data with the virtual power plant is not only necessary for a mutual exchange of information. It can also be used to improve network stability by submitting control signals. In the event of an electricity shortage, your hydropower plant can increase in capacity in order to balance the electricity network; in the presence of much or too much electricity on the network, your plant is throttled or stopped.

The Next Box is your link to the virtual power plant. Communication between your hydroelectric plant and our control system takes place via a secure mobile connection that meets a legally prescribed requirement for the telecontrol capacity of a plant. The Next Box also enables you to operate your system according to a price-based scheme, which opens up additional trading opportunities.

All plants in the virtual power plant supply data to our control system so that we always have an overview of the available aggregated capacity. Almost all commands executed by the Virtual Power Plant controller are automated via M2M communication. Strict safety standards are complied at any time.

Primary, secondary and tertiary reserves are negotiated by the Belgian TSO Elia during auctions on the control reserve markets. Market participants submit initial bids for the capacity price, which are sorted by amount in a merit order list. For the secondary and tertiary reserve, successful suppliers participate in a second auction and submit bids for the unit price. If the control pool is required, the suppliers with the lowest price receive the RFx first. Higher offers follow in order. If a control reserve order is placed, secondary and tertiary reserve suppliers also receive the additional unit price. While the FCR and the RRF are subject to a weekly call for tenders, the RRFm is subject to a monthly call for tenders. In addition, Elia offers part of its FCR power on the regional market

It's very simple: Contact us and we will analyze the potential of your hydropower plant. Simply fill out the contact form below or contact us directly by mail at or by phone at +32 (0) 2 342 02 68.

Aggregated Units

16 769Q4/2023

Networked Capacity

13 500MW Q4 2023

Volume of traded energy

15.1TWh in 2023






2009Next Pool