The power of many
My Power Plant
Trader von Next Kraftwerke kümmert sich um Ihr Bilanzgruppenmanagement oder Portfoliomanagement.

1. Know

Our data pool is fed from different sources and grows continously.

2. Predict

Based on this data and many years of experience in electricity trading, our traders make accurate forecasts.

3. Act

Our traders compensate for over- or under-feed of your portfolio up to 5 minutes before the delivery quarter hour.

Bild eines Stromhändlers bei Next Kraftwerke

Full-Service: On request, we take over the complete balancing group management for you - taking into account all BRP requirements - including portfolio risks.

Guaranteed performance: We guarantee quarterly accurate balancing group management in accordance with all guidelines and regulations.

Safe implementation: In energy data management, we ensure the plausibility of your feed and extraction data and prepare them for further processing.

Communication inclusive: We take care of communication with the respective balancing group coordinator - taking into account the obligatory data transmission procedures.

24 hours availability: We guarantee 24-hour availability for timetable communication. In the event that the TSO reports an error in our timetable data or those of our trading partners, we can react immediately and make corrections if necessary.

When you hand over your balancing group management to us, it not only relieves you of activities that are not part of your actual core business. We also reduce your risks for an unbalanced balancing group: prices on the continuous intraday market vary greatly. With our 24/7 electricity trading, we can compensate for over- or under-supply of your portfolio up to 5 minutes before the delivery quarter hour. In this way, we also smooth out your balancing group in quarter-hours and thus reduce your balancing energy risks enormously. In the event of schedule inconsistencies, our experienced timetable management team will solve the problem and communicate directly with the transmission system operators or balancing group coordinators.

Accurate forecasts: You benefit from precise forecasts based on meaningful data - regardless of whether your load profile is measured by automated meter reading (AMR) or predicted using a standard load profile (SLP).

Coordination with TSO: We coordinate the forecasted and finally realized timetables in the timetable management with the responsible TSO.

Short-term compensation: Thanks to our 24/7 electricity trading and access to intraday trading, we bring together your forecast and realised schedules in a dynamic process - this saves you work and additional balancing energy costs.

Individualized procurement strategies: On request, we develop individualized procurement strategies together with you.

We make up for any shortfalls or surpluses resulting from your power plant deployment planning with our quarter-hourly procurement on the EPEX SPOT power exchange. Through the short-term trading of required or surplus electricity volumes on the day-ahead and intraday auctions as well as the continuous intraday market of the electricity exchange, Next Kraftwerke smoothes out your balancing group - which reduces your balancing energy risks and increases the quality of your portfolio management.
NEXTRA ist das Tradingportal für den Stromhandel und ein einfacheres Portfoliomanagement.

Data and forecasts: You can view forecasts that are individually tailored to you.

Balance your balancing group: Balance your balancing group directly via NEXTRA.

Place order: On the platform you can directly place your order for the intraday auction.

As balancing group manager, you have to fulfil a large number of obligations, the scope of which has increased considerably in recent years. Next Kraftwerke can support you in managing your balancing group. You are free to decide whether we should take over part of your tasks or the complete balancing group management. With NEXTRA, you can also easily manage your balancing group yourself: coordinate your own portfolio data with the constantly updated data from our trading floor and balance your portfolio.

The balancing group management tasks that Next Kraftwerke can take over for you include:

  • Quarterly balancing group management in compliance with all guidelines and regulations
  • Energy data management - here the plausibility of your feed and extraction data is ensured and they are also prepared for further processing
  • Communication with the balancing group coordinator. Next Kraftwerke also takes care that the obligatory data transmission is observed
  • 24-hour availability for timetable communication. In the event that the TSO reports an error in the transmitted timetable data or the data of our trading partners, we can react immediately and make corrections if necessary.
  • Complete balancing group management taking into account MaBiS requirements and portfolio risks
  • With NEXTRA, Next Kraftwerke provides a clear overview of relevant data that you can coordinate with your own data. You can also use NEXTRA to directly balance your balancing group and view forecasts tailored to your needs. You leave balancing group management to Next Kraftwerke? Here, too, NEXTRA is a useful tool to get an overview of the activities carried out for you and to monitor them.

You can put together or combine the various services as you wish and thus benefit from the experience of Next Kraftwerke as a trading partner and balancing group manager.

Yes, you can remain balancing group manager. In this case, if you wish, we will gladly market your residual profile and smooth out the quarter-hours you have already traded, or carry out other tasks as a service provider. Or you can easily meet your obligations as balancing group manager via our trading portal NEXTRA.

In addition to a relief, since you now have to take on fewer balancing group management tasks and can therefore concentrate on your core business, you also benefit from Next Kraftwerke' many years of experience and know-how. Your risks are also reduced. Your risk of an unbalanced balancing group and the associated compensation payments is reduced by constant optimisation and adjustments of our forecasts during the day as well as the 24-hour readiness. In case of schedule inconsistencies, our experienced schedule management team takes over the problem solution and direct communication with the transmission system operators/balancing group coordinators in order to avoid sometimes expensive balancing energy costs and to ensure a balanced balancing group.

This cannot be answered across the board. The price of balancing group management depends on the one hand on the service taken over for you and on the other hand on the characteristics of your balancing group. In addition, you decide yourself whether you would rather bear the remaining balancing energy costs or have the risks covered by a lump sum. Please feel free to contact our specialists for individual advice and we will put together suitable services for you.


Balancing group totals time series are made available to you. This allows you to track at any time what activities we have undertaken to smooth out your balancing group. Or you can use NEXTRA to view the activities or become active yourself.

There is no such thing as only one portfolio management. Because just as unique as your portfolio is its management. Next Kraftwerke offers you support for the preparation of generation and consumption forecasts. The basis of the forecasts is the large amount of meaningful data, such as forecasts at the electricity trading centres or information from our power plant pool, which we collect and interpret and make available to you on our customer platform NEXTRA. In a second step, we will bring these forecasts in line with the timetables realised on the following day. Through the short-term trading of required or surplus quantities of electricity on the intraday market, we can smooth out your balancing group. The result is a higher balance group loyalty and reduced risks for the balancing energy.

One of the core competencies of Next Kraftwerke is the preparation of forecasts. Among other things, we are experts in the preparation of high-quality and reliable forecasts of volatile renewable energies and their continuous updates, as a basis for continuous intraday trading. Whether your load profile is predicted using Recording Power Measurement (RLM) or a standard load profile (SLP), Next Power Plants can help you create forecasts based on meaningful data. In timetable management, we coordinate the timetables forecast and implemented in this way with the TSO. By trading electricity 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year and operating in short-term intraday markets, we can align forecasts with your actual schedules. Your advantages are: saved resources, since you do not have to deal with this continuous task yourself, as well as minimized risks of an unbalanced balancing group due to the accuracy of the forecasts and continuous optimization. As balancing group manager, you must fulfil the obligations to manage balancing group on a quarter-hour basis in accordance with Section 4 (2) (5) of the standard balancing group contract. We can do this for you! Next Kraftwerke can also work with you to develop an individualised procurement strategy that is perfectly tailored to your situation and market environment.

The portfolio management portal NEXTRA offers you the possibility to manage your portfolio optimally yourself. You get 24/7 access to the European energy markets and can become active there without having to invest in your own trading infrastructure. You can also enter your portfolio data. Together with real-time data and forecasts provided by Next Kraftwerke, you can get the most out of your portfolio. Access to NEXTRA is either via API or the Web Frontend. Several users can also work simultaneously with NEXTRA to optimize their portfolio management.

Portfolio management is closely interwoven with balancing group management. You can put together the various services grouped under the keywords portfolio or balancing group management as you wish. While portfolio management maps the trading, buying and selling strategies individually according to specially defined logics of the individual market players in the energy industry, balancing group management is geared to regulatory requirements.

Aggregated Units

16 769Q4/2023

Networked Capacity

13 500MW Q4 2023

Volume of traded energy

15.1TWh in 2023






2009Next Pool